
Showing posts from January, 2023

New Twist on Bacalao Guisado (Puerto Rican Fish Stew)

     Recently, I was searching the web for Mediterranean Diet recipes and came across a recipe for Bacalao Guisado or Puerto Rican Fish Stew.  I was intrigued because of the ingredients but the thought of the havoc of using Bacalao, salted dried codfish, would create, not only because of the preparation which  requires overnight soaking and rinsing several times in cold water before use.  Yuk!  Who wants to do that?!!! And I'm sure the salt content would still be quite high after all that.  My solution was to adapt the recipe by using a fresh local white fish.  This saved a considerable amount of time and added a healthy freshness that could not have been achieved in the original version.  I also threw in a few shrimp just for fun!     The recipe also called for cilantro, but I preferred to go with Italian parsley.  I also added fresh  jalapeƱo  for a spicy kick.  For more of a kick, add a half teaspoon red pepper flakes. Other  optional spices that would go well is cumin, chili po