The Best Stops for Boudin in Louisiana
Just outside Lafayette, Louisiana is the quaint town of Scott. The town hosts antique shops, the Scott Historical Society, coffee shops, and such. However, Scott is quickly becoming famous for one main attraction--boudin.
Boudin (boo-dahn', non-Cajuns often misspell it as boudain) is a "sausage" filled with a spicy combination of rice and pork (and sometimes alligator or crawfish). Boudin can be found in the traditional link style and is usually prepared by steaming the links. Other versions of the popular Cajun delicacy are smoked boudin links or boudin balls. In April, Scott hosts the Scott International Boudin Festival which is quickly growing in popularity on the festival scene in Louisiana. The festival features live music, arts and crafts, and a sumptuous line-up of edible Louisiana creations.

The Best Stop is a locally owned meat market and convenience store. This thriving "joint" offers seasoned and smoked meats behind the counter for your selection or packaged and ready to go if you're in a hurry. Boudin is sold hot, cold or frozen in one pound packs. They also make the best beef jerky and cracklins (seasoned fried pork skins) in the area. We routinely stop at Best Stop and pick up a sack of 10 pounds of frozen boudin which is pre-wrapped and bagged in the freezer, before heading home to New Orleans. It's wrapped so well that it's still frozen solid when we arrive home.
Newer establishments are drawing in visitors in droves. Don's Special Meats on the I-10 service road offers frozen meats and a fresh meat market as well as hot offerings of crackling, boudin balls etc. Don's also offers for sale Cajun gifts and sundries and has seating available to sit and enjoy your Cajun delicacies. Frozen boudin is sold in 5 pound boxes as well as seafood pistolettes and harder to find meats such as alligator tale filets.
One of the most popular new places is Billy's Boudin, just off the I-10 Scott exit. Like Best Stop and Don's, Billy's has hot boudin balls and cracklins and a couple of tables to enjoy your food.
What set's Billy's apart is their variety of boudin offerings. Breaded and fried boudin balls are offered as well as hot links but you can also by boudin balls stuffed with Monterrey Jack Pepper cheese. "Roll-ups" are also on the menu. They are essentially egg rolls stuffed with boudin. These are also offered with pepper cheese.
Whether heading down I-10 to Houston or New Orleans, or just looking for a little extra Cajun culture, your "best stop" is Scott, Louisiana.
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