Using an Old Window Screen to Make Pelican Art

Some people may not know that I'm an artist as well as writer and cook.  I was just back home on a visit to Lafayette and while there, my brother showed me a few old window screens which he said may have come from an old house across the street from ULL's campus.  

There happens to be two old houses which have windows this size on the corner of University and Johnston.

Fun fact: our dad's office at USL (at that time) was right across the street from these houses about 35 years ago.

So I wanted to do an art project with the old screens.  I love the rustic vintage quality and the peeling paint. The problem was that they were just a little too large.  No problem though because brother Dave cut the bottom off for me.

 I love the old latches so I made sure they were on the outside.

Then I got to work on brushing and scraping off the excessively chipping and peeling paint.

This kind of job is bad for a manicure!

Next, I painted a pelican and tall grasses on a canvas. (Sorry no picture).  I bought a value canvas size 18"x 24." After I was satisfied with my painting, I cut out the pelican and each individual blade of grass and laid them out on the screen.

I used persimmons to hold them down so they wouldn't blow away outside.

When I had the place right, I started hot glueing each piece down.

After peeling away all of the glue "threads" it's done!

I thought my brother should have it since he gave me the screen.

What should I put on the next screen?


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